Case Studies

Bilwadi Churna : An Ayurvedic Solution for IBS

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Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) is a complicated condition, affecting as much as 20% of the population in India. Many IBS patients report having depressive thoughts and other symptoms that make them feel uncomfortable and self-conscious. Additionally, the unpredictable nature of IBS symptoms can have a negative effect on the quality of daily life. The condition has a negative effect on the quality of relationships and limits participation in routine social activities. Because the symptoms of this illness are chronic, sometimes severe, and often do not respond well to treatment, the standard quality of life is reduced for those who have it. Although there is no test for IBS, diagnostic testing is conducted to rule out other issues.

There is no single disorder in Ayurveda that can be co-relate with IBS, atleast not by looking into the text directly as Ayurveda is entirely based on its basic principles. However, there are some conditions that are quite similar to IBS in terms of the symptoms such as Vata-type disorders and some Pitta-dominant disorders such as Grahani, Pravahika.

In Ayurvedic medicine, the concept of psychosomatic disorders has been widely discussed. Charaka emphasizes the importance of considering gut-brain connectivity and how it impacts one’s overall health. The Annavaha, Purishava, Rasavaha, and Manovaha Srotodushti, five types of Srotas or channels can carry out their actions only if there is Vritti. Acharya Charak goes on to explain that when mind, three Dosha and mind-body connect with each other than disease may develop in body parts (Shariva).

Case Description

A 46-year-old male patient came with complaints of indigestion, bloating with frequent motion, mucus discharge in the stools. He also suffered from anxiety and nervousness at times as well as lower abdominal pain. The  patient  had  poor  appetite,  difficulty  in digestion on food, abdomen bloating after having food, and was having irregular bowel habits. Sleep was disturbed due to anxiety and nervousness. The patient had no history of diabetes, hypertension and all the investigations recommended like CBC, LFT were normal.


The abdomen examination showed slight tenderness in the lower abdominal region.


The investigation showed that the patient suffered from Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)/ Grahani


The following treatment plan was used to treat the patient: Treating the ama or toxins with deepan pachan chikitsa Balancing the three doshas, namely Vata, Pitta, and Kapha

A healthy bland diet recommended to improve the digestive system. Include jeerak and sunthi siddha water for the whole day. Avoid dairy products, fast and spicy food.

Initially, the patient was started with Shankh vati for the first 15 days for the complaints of gas and bloating along with Bilwadi churna which contains bilva, mochras, dhanyak, sunthi and bhanga, dhataki and saunf. Shankh vati was recommended for 15 day and post that only Bilwadi churna was continued.

  1. Bilwadi churna 5 gm after food both times for 30 days
  2. Shankh vati for initial 15 days

The main cause of IBS mandagni or low digestive power. Other factors causing the issue are ahara, vihar and manasik nidan. Few studies on the subject have showed that the disturbance in mental health disturbs an ideal therapeutic approach with a specific combination which acts as grahi, deepan, pachan and anulomana of vata dosha and action on mana (mind).


During the first 15 days of treatment, abdomen floating, and gaseous condition was reduced by 75%, there was improvement in sleep and mucous discharge, the appetite had also become better. After a month of treatment and taking Bilwadi churna all his symptoms had reduced considerably. The patient felt better overall and continued his dosage for an additional month. His anxiety condition also became lesser by 60%. Bowel habit also improved, So next one-month same treatment for follow up.

The effect of Bilwadi churna in the stepwise samprati vighatan of IBS is mainly focused on correcting the mandagni as that is the main cause behind the disease. Grahi, deepan, pachan, brimhana and vata- anulomana drugs are more effective in this type of case.

Bilva (Aegle marmelos) have Tikta-kashaya rasa with ushna virya and ushna guna in dominance that work so effectively on ama dosha and improves the functioning of digestive fire or agni. Mocharas is the Niryasa or resin extract of Shalmali which has amazing healing power for grahani because of its dominance in Kasahay rasa and Katu vipaka along with snighdha and pichhila guna that works on vata dosha elimination.

Sunthi (Zingiber officinale ) has deepan pachan action on ama and vata dosha.

Dhataki (Woodfordia fruticosa) flowers works due to laghu and ushna guna to control symptoms of IBS.

Dhanyak (Coriandrum sativam) has deepan pachan, vata-anulomana and dahasamak action.

Saunf (Foeniculum vulgare) works as amazing vata anumana dravya.

Vijaya (Cannabis sativa) contains cannabidiol which is helpful in the management of symptoms of IBS and is helpful to correct agni and reduce pain. Its madak guna has healing action on mana (mind).

Dhanyak (Coriandrum sativam) has deepan pachan, vata-anulomana and dahasamak action.

Saunf (Foeniculum vulgare) works as amazing vata anumana dravya.

Vijaya (Cannabis sativa) contains cannabidiol which is helpful in the management of symptoms of IBS and is helpful to correct agni and reduce pain. Its madak guna has healing action on mana (mind).


During the first 15 days of treatment, flatulence and abdomen bloating were controlled and the patient reported less mucus discharge. After the one-month completion, patient confirmed >90% relief in all symptoms as well improved mental behavior.


IBS also goes by many different names including colitis, mucous colitis, spastic colon and spastic bowel. It is a form of Irritable Bowel Syndrome that means the intestines are undergoing an abnormal amount of muscular contractions which causes abdominal pain, discomfort and bloating. Psychological conditions like stress, anxiety tend to make IBS even worse since one’s intestines can become easily irritated.

Case Study by: Dr. Naresh Garg

Published by: Hempstreet

Hempstreet is India's first and largest research to retail player in the medicinal cannabis space with a network of 60,000 ayurvedic practitioners across the country.

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