
10 Ways To Take Care Of Abdominal Health

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Abdominal health is the cornerstone of the body to function optimally since the abdomen is the region that contains the body’s digestive organs. And today, a vast majority of digestive issues and abdominal health conditions are because of improper habits and accumulation and rotting of undigested food, causing conditions like

  • Diarrhea
  • Constipation
  • Ulcers
  • IBS, IBD, etc.

To improve your abdominal health and prevent such issues, Ayurveda doctors recommend certain dietary and lifestyle changes along with the consumption of the potent herb Vijaya. 

Because Vijaya shows robust anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving properties that help in effectively alleviating digestive disorders and their symptoms in patients and improving their overall quality of life.

Some tips for better abdominal health are as follows:

  1. Eat Fresh Foods

Ayurveda doctors recommend including more fresh veggies and fruits in your diet. They provide the body with the necessary nutrients to improve gut health and digestion.

There are some carbohydrates that the body cannot digest and absorb easily. And undigested carbohydrates, when rotten, can cause excessive bacterial growth, abdominal pain, and gas. Adopting a low-FODMAP diet and getting the best medical consultation to know which foods will suit you the best help manage digestive issues.

  1. Avoid Processed Foods

Processed foods are rich in:

  • Artificial sweeteners
  • Food additives
  • Refined carbohydrates
  • Trans fats

They can cause much damage to the digestive tract by producing harmful chemicals. Hence replacing them with whole foods (whole grains and fresh fruits and vegetables) instead enhances digestive health.

Furthermore, reduce consumption of fatty foods, dairy products with high-fat foods like butter and cheese, and white foods such as rice, potatoes, and white bread. These foods slow down the digestive processes.

  1. Add More Fiber to Your Diet

Choosing whole grains over processed ones and opting for more fruits, veggies, and legumes can help you significantly improve your abdominal health. Fibers help keep the food moving through the digestive tract and alleviate conditions like constipation, diarrhea, ulcers, and IBS.

It is crucial to consume both kinds of fibers, insoluble (roughage) and soluble. The former adds bulk to the stools, and the latter absorbs water to prevent watery stools. 

  1. Consume More Pre and Probiotics

Probiotics are yeasts and healthy bacteria in the digestive tract that help combat the symptoms of stress, constipation, diarrhea, bloating, gas, and even IBS pain in people. Fermented foods are good probiotic sources that help with better nutrient digestion and absorption, like kefir, kimchee, low-fat yogurt, fermented vegetables, etc.

And prebiotics are the compounds in foods that aid the growth of these healthy gut bacteria. Some common prebiotic sources include whole grains, raw fruits, and veggies, legumes, etc.

  1. Check Your Medications and Choose Vijaya

There are numerous prescription drugs, antibiotics, and OTC medicines for digestive issues that interfere with gut bacteria, cause harmful side effects to the system and worsen the conditions. Hence, it is best to talk to your doctors, get the best medical consultation. 

Choose suitable alternatives such as Vijaya, which can help relieve several digestive problems.  There is a reason why, for centuries, this herb has been used medicinally to treat digestive disorders. When people consume Vijaya, it goes into the system and binds with the cannabinoid receptors in the gut.

By doing so it activates those receptors which in turn helps enhance food intake and improve digestion. Furthermore, Vijaya significantly reduces acid secretion that is caused by increased junk food consumption today.

Not only that, because of its direct influence on the digestive system, Vijaya is very helpful in managing disorders like IBS, IBD, Ulcerative Colitis, Crohn’s Disease, etc. Patients report significant decreases in their symptoms such as abdominal pain and daily bowel movements.

Besides that, Vijaya also reduces people’s dependence on traditional prescription drugs, especially harmful and addictive opioids. What makes this herb even better is that it exhibits all these health benefits without showing any adverse side effects on health that are shown by conventional medications.

  1. Adopt the Right Eating Habits

To improve abdominal health, it is crucial to eat the right foods the right way by adopting the following habits:

  • Have a fixed, regular schedule for meals to keep the digestive system healthy.
  • Replace frying and grilling with healthier cooking methods like steaming, stewing, microwaving, boiling, etc.
  • Have a sufficient gap between meals and sleep to aid digestion.
  • Avoid excess sweet, salty, and spicy foods.
  • Avoid consuming spoilt foods.
  • Avoid smoking, drinking alcohol, and consuming caffeinated beverages.
  • Don’t eat too much too quickly.
  • Eat the amounts your body needs, not what the taste-buds desire.
  • Eat slowly and chew the food properly instead of gulping. It helps properly break down the food, produce enough saliva for digestion, and digest and absorb the nutrients better.
  1. Stay Hydrated

Drinking sufficient water is crucial for good digestive health. It helps the body break down the food and absorb the nutrients better. It further softens the stool and allows it to pass more easily through the colon, hence alleviating the chances of constipation.

  1. Reduce Stress

Annoying deadlines and hectic workflows have caused a lot of stress in people, which has impacted digestion and caused various abdominal issues in people. Stress-reducing activities like meditation, yoga, exercise, good sleep, creative hobbies, etc., go a long way in coping with stress and keeping the abdomen healthy.

  1. Exercise Regularly

Regular exercise helps the food move properly in the digestive tract, reduce constipation, reduce excess weight, alleviate stress, and keep you active. Hence ensure including regular exercise in your schedule after a healthy meal.

  1.  Get Sufficient Sleep

Lack of sleep can disturb the hormonal balance, causing stress and affecting your dietary choices and appetite. When tired, you might resort to fast foods to get immediate energy boosts and cause long-term damage to the system. Hence, it is important to get at least 7 hours or more sleep in a day.

To know more about the right dietary and lifestyle changes to help you maintain a healthy abdomen, contact Hempstreet and get the best Ayurvedic consultation for yourself.


Hempstreet is India's first and largest research to retail player in the medicinal cannabis space with a network of 60,000 ayurvedic practitioners across the country.

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